In 1994, our association, the Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS®, joined forces with the Home Builders Association of Winston-Salem as Partners in Housing to work jointly on governmental issues that affect our industries and our communities. Since then, the Builder and REALTOR® members of our community have been working closely together, along with other organizations and local government officials, to help build strong, viable communities in Forsyth, Davie, Stokes, Yadkin, Wilkes and Davidson Counties.
Our members strive to keep the American Dream of home ownership alive and to enhance the livability and quality of life of our communities through advocacy.
Free enterprise and property owner rights.
We believe that political stability and economic prosperity are achieved when individuals have the freedom to operate in a free enterprise system and when the rights of individuals to own, use and freely transfer real property is protected.
The importance of homeownership and the real estate and building industries.
We believe that homeownership contributes to community responsibility; and civic, economic, business, and employment stability and family security. Homeownership merits its status as the core of the American Dream, and housing and those who provide it are a very significant part of the strength of this nation.
Housing affordability and equal opportunity.
We firmly believe in equal opportunity in housing and that every individual should have the opportunity to live in safe and decent housing. The economic environment must generate an ample supply of affordable and accessible housing and financing.
Smart Growth
The sometimes competing demands of property owners’ rights and economic opportunity, and the demands of growth must be balanced as communities struggle to develop land use polices. Balanced approaches can maintain economic opportunity and improve the standard of living for all, while also conserving the environment.
City of Winston-Salem
Legislative Wins
We adovocate for issues that support our members. Check out our list of wins from over the years.