There are many benefits to becoming a member of the WSRAR. Below you’ll find information on the different membership types, how to join and benefits of membership! Once you join, get involved!
We have REALTOR® & Affiliate membership opportunities as well as options for various specialties.
Check out our list of committees below. We encourage you to get involved to expand your knowledge and network!
Looking for Property Management or Commercial information. We’ve got you covered.
REALTOR® Membership
Joining the Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS® means gaining a large network of over 2,500 industry professionals in every sector of real estate. We also provide a number of benefits that will help you grow in your profession.
Membership Benefits for REALTORS®
Click for details on membership benefits.
Application Procedure for REALTORS®
Application Fee and Dues:
The Application Fee of $500 plus dues based on the following prorated schedule is due with the application. The Application Fee and dues are non-refundable.
*2024 membership dues will be collected at time of application after December billing.
Orientation Course Schedule for 2023
All applicants for REALTOR® membership must take an Orientation Course. The Course will be held at our office unless otherwise notified. Classes are limited to the first 50 people that sign up and you will be notified which course you have been scheduled for. You must attend an Orientation Couse within 180 days from the Association’s receipt of your application or your membership may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be terminated.
1st Course February 9 4th Course August 24
2nd Course April 13 5th Course October 12
3rd Course June 8 6th Course December 14
The course is held at the WSRAR office or alternate location from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Times will be confirmed later by email.) Lunch will be provided. At least one-week prior to the course, you will be sent a reminder email along with the event schedule. REALTORS® will receive their REALTOR® pin at the end of the course.
For full credit, it is necessary that each applicant be present for the complete course from beginning to end. There can be no excused absences or tardiness.
Official induction, while not required, takes place at the next general membership meeting, and concludes the process for membership in the Association. You will be notified upon completion of the Orientation Course of the date of your official induction.
Other information:
- A principal broker can choose any board in any state where licensed as their primary board, through which local, state and national dues are paid.
- If one principal, partner, officer or branch manager is a REALTOR® within a state, then ALL the others must also be REALTORS®.
- Licensees with a member firm who do not apply for membership will be classified as non-members. The firm principal will be responsible for paying non-member dues for each licensee. However, payment of these dues in no way entitles the non-member to any membership benefits except those received through the REALTOR® principal. You can call the Association office to confirm the amount of non-member licensee dues but it is the same amount as an applicant for REALTOR® membership would pay.
- Annual membership dues are due by January 15 each year.
- Membership in the Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS®, Inc. includes membership in the North Carolina Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.
- Company principals (owner, partner, or corporate officer) may join the Multiple Listing Service as a Provisional MLS Participant if they have made application to join the Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS®, Inc. Should they not take an Orientation Course with 180 days after applying for REALTOR® membership, MLS access will be terminated. Applications for MLS Principal Membership are available at the Association office or on the Association’s website, Payment of a $400 company Application Fee is required.
- Any REALTOR® member may join our REALTORS® Commercial Alliance, provided their broker-in-charge is a member of the RCA. Applications are available at the Association office or on the Association’s website, Payment of a $200 Application Fee is required. Quarterly RCA membership dues are $40.00.
- Any REALTOR® member may join our Property Management Division. Applications are available at the Association office or on the Association’s website, The Application Fee is $25.00 and semi-annual dues are $75.00.
- Once you become a REALTOR® member, you must complete mandatory ethics training from time-to-time in order to maintain your membership. Currently REALTORS® are required to complete two-and-one-half hours of NAR Code of Ethics training every three-years. The Orientation Course for new members counts towards this requirement and REALTORS® are not required to complete additional ethics training until a new three-year cycle begins.
- A REALTOR® who changes the conditions under which they hold membership shall be required to provide written notification to the Association within 30 days. Should your license transfer to a company that does not belong to our Association your membership will be terminated, unless the Principal of the company joins our Association.
Application for REALTOR® Membership
Application for REALTOR® Membership
New Agent Guide
New Agent Guide
What is an Affiliate Member?
An affiliate member of the Winston-Salem Regional Association of REALTORS® is:
– someone who does not hold a real estate license or is not licensed or certified as an appraiser
– A real estate owner or individual or firm not engaged in the real estate profession
– Interested in information concerning real estate
Membership Benefits for Affiliates
Networking Membership in the Association is not all work. We welcome your participation in Association sponsored meetings, events and community service activities.
Legislative Clout Many government regulations that inhibit your freedom have the same impact on REALTORS®. As a part of the REALTOR® organization your voice will be heard and become a part of the collective and unified position that will not only help block bad legislation but can help enact legislation that is good for the business community and private property rights.
Stay in Touch with Trends, News and Talk You will be able to keep in touch with local REALTORS® activities by receiving the monthly Association newsletter, The Edge, the Association Weekly Report and special notices.
Committee Activities You are invited to participate in Association committees. The Membership Development Committee and the Community Service Committee are two places you might find a spot to put your talent to work. Other committee assignments are available.
Education Opportunities The Association offers a number of continuing education courses for real estate licenses. The Association has Breakfast Meetings and Learn @ Lunch meetings on hot topics and issues, some of which are of interest to Affiliate Members. Affiliates are able to sponsor these meetings as well.
Awards & Recognition WSRAR offers yearly award recognition including Affiliate of the Year Award.
Electronic KeyBoxes Affiliate Members who are actively engaged in a recognized field requiring inspection of property have the option of leasing a Keypad which allows them access to homes listed by our REALTOR® members that have electronic key boxes.
There are many benefits to serving on a committee with our association. You have the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the industry, serve your community and grow your network. Working and volunteer alongside other members is vital to this profession. We encourage you to read about the committees and reach out if you need more information!

Addresses common issues to brokers, appraisers and mortgage lenders with the primary goals of education and improving the real estate transaction for all parties involved. Meets monthly as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Constitution & Bylaws
Reviews and recommends amendments to our bylaws as may be directed by our Board of Directors. Meets as needed. REALTORS® ONLY.
Reviews complaints concerning ethics or arbitration. Required training: 4-hour Professional Standards training first year on committee, 2.5-hour annual update plus 4-hour training every 3 years thereafter (at your own expense). Meets as needed. REALTORS® ONLY.
Membership Development
Promotes membership in the Association and encourages participation, leadership, fellowship and professional development. Meets monthly or as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Budget & Finance
Prepares and presents a budget to the Board of Directors for approval. Meets 1-2 times a year in the fall. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Diversity & Housing Opportunity
Promotes fair housing and encourages members to provide equal professional service. Meets as needed. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Home Inspector-REALTOR®-Roundtable
Discusses issues of concern to both home inspectors and REALTORS. Meets monthly or as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Multiple Listing Service
Addresses both technical and policy issues related to the MLS and the electronic key box system. Limited seats. Meets as needed. REALTORS® ONLY.
Professional Standards
Holds hearings related to ethics and arbitration matters and renders a decision on each case. Required training: 4-hour Professional Standards training first year on committee, 2.5-hour annual update plus 4-hour training every 3 years thereafter (at your own expense). Meets as needed. REALTORS® ONLY.
Community Service & Outreach
Develops services that involve members of the Association and members of the community for the benefit of all. Meets monthly or as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES.
Conducts continuing education courses for real estate licensees and orientation courses for new members. Meets 7 times per year or as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® & AFFILIATES
Joint Legislative
The HBA and WSRAR has a Joint Legislative Committee for the purpose of monitoring and receiving advance notice of any issues relating to housing and real estate which are either being proposed or considered by any governmental body, committee or representative in Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes & Yadkin counties. Limited seats. Meets 2nd Wednesday each month. REALTORS® ONLY.
Monitors local, state and national government for the purpose of guarding and promoting interest in the real estate industry. Interacts with NC RPAC regarding distribution of RPAC funds to candidates. Organizes a campaign for the collection of RPAF funds. Meets monthly of as determined by committee chair. REALTORS® ONLY.
Below you’ll find committee related links as well as information specific to particular groups/interests. WSRAR also has a shared Government Affairs Director. Check out our advocacy page.
The WSRAR Home Inspection Committee meets monthly and discusses issues of concern for both home inspectors and REALTORS. If you have any questions or issues concerning home inspection, please reach out to Susan Jester at
The WSRAR Appraiser REALTOR Mortgage Lender Forum (ABMLF) meets to address common issues to brokers, mortgage lenders and appraisers with the goals of education and improving the real estate transaction for all parties. If you have any questions or issues for the ABMLF, contact Susan Jester at
We have opportunities for mortgage lenders to serve on committees alongside other affiliate members and REALTORS.
In 1994 our local Home Builders and REALTORS® joined together as Partners in Housing to work jointly on governmental issues that affect our industries and our communities. Find out what we promote, work toward and how you can help.